When we moved into our house, one of the items left behind by the 3-generation family that lived here before us was an old Briggs piano. It was left in the back of the garage and has acquired quite a few years of dust & leaves as well as being the home to at least a few critters. Some of the keys stuck and no one on Craigslist was interested in reviving it so we set out to find an artist that would give it a new life. After almost 6 years of searching, I found an artist! Being a friend of several friends, I connected with Lousie Philbrick, who makes beautiful work out of piano pieces. She gladly drove up from Portland with tools in tow and disassembled it. She also catalogues and researches the history of each piano and often takes the wooden pieces with serial numbers on it to make the frames for her work. I know it's a long process but I can't wait to see what she creates out of it all!! I'll keep you posted but, for now, check out her website and like her Facebook page!
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Meter, 2013, mixed media with grand piano parts on painted plywood, 14.75" x 14.75 by Louise Philbrick |