Video tutorial and review: Winding yarn

Below is a short video tutorial and review of some new yarn supplies that I've acquired...

Winding bulky cotton yarn from using the "Medium Hard Maple Yarn Swift Winder Adjustable Skeinwinder" from and the "Knitting yarn ball winder" from

Review: The swift was extremely easy to assemble and very fluid. I think I should have purchased the next size up (large) because thinner yarns are falling off of the swift but that's my own fault- I didn't know what would work best. I'm positive I can make some simple adjustments to this one to keep that from happening in the future. Really a great swift and at a really great price.

The yarn winder works really well. I've been choosing to use it hand-held because the clamp is taking me some time to figure out how to use. The instructions that are printed on the box don't explain how the clamp attaches without the clamp being in the way of the crank. Maybe I'm just dense but I can't get it to work without these two parts interfering with one another. Overall, it's a great winder.

Now if I could just find a way to get my loom to warp itself....

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